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  • Hydrogen inhalation is also being used in China to treat a new type of coronavirus (COVID-19).
  • The National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China (NHC) has incorporated acid-hydrogen inhalation (66.66% hydrogen/33.33% oxygen) using an electrolysis hydrogen inhaler into its standard treatment in the seventh edition of the guideline, and it has been reported that it has shown some effectiveness in relieving the symptoms of critically ill patients.

The made-in-Japan hydrogen generator that is sold all over the world

The power of hydrogen in the spotlight 1: Antioxidant power

Oxygen, an essential element in life, once taken into our bodies, turns into various reactive oxygen species with high reactivity. In recent years, research has advanced about the effects of these active oxygens on diseases and aging, and many reports conclude that bad active oxygens such as hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite oxidize healthy cells and damage genes.

Hydrogen has an excellent selective antioxidant effect, which does not act on benign reactive oxygen species but only acts on malignant reactive oxygen species. It combines with hydroxyl radicals and peroxynitrite to turn them into non-toxic water. Various scientists and companies have started researches expecting to utilize this antioxidant effect of hydrogen potentially maintaining human health and anti-aging.

The hydrogen molecule is safe as the human intestine also generates it. There are two ways to take hydrogen molecules into the human body from the outside, either ingestion of hydrogen dissolved in water or inhalation of hydrogen as a gas. In terms of the efficiency taken into the human body, the inhalation is far better than the ingestion.

The power of hydrogen in the spotlight 2: Blood flow improvement

Endothelial cells in the innermost part of blood vessels have the ability to produce and release nitric oxide (NO), a vasodilator, when blood flow speeds up. However, as we age, this function is weakened and blood vessels do not widen, causing arteriosclerosis. It is known that hydrogen administration increases the nitric oxide production capacity of endothelial cells, causing blood vessels to dilate and improving blood flow.

Consider introducing the easy-and-safe hydrogen gas inhalation therapy in your home.

Approved by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as an advanced medical treatment B

Hydrogen gas inhalation therapy has been approved by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare as Advanced Medical Care Class B. Medical institutions such as Keio University School of Medicine are doing clinical trials for the application to the cases with severe brain and cardiovascular diseases.(Ends March 23, 2022)

The made-in-Japan hydrogen generator that is sold all over the world

We have been developing and selling hydrogen generators since 2000 as a pioneer of hydrogen generators. The current model was developed under the collaboration with cado Co., Ltd. in Japan.

cado is an emerging home appliance manufacturer founded by Nobuyuki Koga from Sony. Based on Koga's philosophy of "Creating Sony for white goods '', cado commercialized air purifiers, humidifiers, beauty appliances etc. The product design and performance have a reputation.

about cado

It started selling at the end of October 2018, and the cumulative sales volume thus far reached 1,000 units. In addition, there are no initial failures at all and our products have been receiving very high reputations from our customers.

Not only is it compact and easy to use for hydrogen inhalation, but its simple and stylish design, available in three colors, makes it ideal for home use and personal use, as well as for use in beauty salons and esthetic salons. It is easy to carry around.

This product is widely used by health-conscious people as well as those who are concerned about their health. It is also popular as a gift for loved ones who want to stay healthy for a long time.

Hydrogen generator with excellent design and quietness

With excellent design, there are three types of color variations: Black, White, and Gold. During operation, you can observe the hydrogen bubbles generated when the viewing window of the aquarium glows blue. It is a stylish appearance as a fantastic space object.

During operation, it is a quiet design that makes a slight motor noise and a crisp small noise when hydrogen bubbles are generated in the water tank. You can use it while working, relaxing, or even sleeping without worrying about your surroundings.

Use purified water only

The hydrogen gas generator requires only purified water as pure H2O. As it does not use any impurities such as electrolytes, so there is no generation of unnecessary or toxic gases, you can inhale the output safely. It produces approximately 100ml of hydrogen per minute at a concentration of 99.996% at the source.

Gas analysis by a third-party (at the hydrogen gas source inside the machine)

Maximum 10 hours continuous operation

When using continuously, the power is automatically turned off in 2 hours, but by repeating restarting, continuous use for up to 10 hours is possible. If you use for 10 hours, please rest for 1 hour.

Extremely simplified operation

Pour purified water into the reservoir, then press the power button. Hydrogen generation starts immediately. Attach the dedicated cannula to the outlet and inhale through the nose.

It is easy to carry around and uses a globally compatible AC adapter (100 to 240 V AC, 50-60 Hz).

Superior safety and durability

Hydrogen gas is produced by electrolysis of purified water, and hydrogen gas can be inhaled safely and quickly without mixing hydrogen and oxygen by the "ion exchange" technology that separates hydrogen and oxygen.

Conventional electrolysis methods are often direct electrolysis methods and require regular maintenance, but MT-A100 is about five times as durable as conventional products due to the special "ion exchange" technology.

This reduces maintenance costs, and the cost of purified water and electricity is only 3 to 5 yen per hour of use (only regular filter changes are required for 500 hours of use, but no maintenance is required).

Hydrogen gas is flammable and it is said that the explosion concentration range of hydrogen gas is 4% to 75%. Since the generated hydrogen gas has a high concentration of 99.996%, it is safe to the outlet of the cannula. Hydrogen released from the outlet of the cannula escapes into the air and is diluted immediately, except for those that are taken into the body, so there is no problem with safety in normal environments. However, it is strictly forbidden to bring a fire directly into the inlet, such as smoking during inhalation.

The idea to invest keeping health

The price of the MT-A100 is not cheap, but on the contrary, it is not very expensive when you view it as a long-term health investment for yourself or your loved ones. The following are the estimated costs of cancer treatment as outlined in the NISSAY Data Book 2018, but once you have a disease like cancer, you will be faced with significant unexpected expenses. The concept of investing in health, which aims to build a disease-free body on a regular basis, is an important concept in achieving a healthy and long-lived society.

MT-A100 Case Study: 28 CliniC Nogami Dental Clinic Minami-Aoyama

28CliniC is a preventive clinic that takes care of the whole body beyond the boundaries of dentistry. Dr. Hiroaki Nogami, the director of the clinic, believes that "health comes from improving the oral environment and boosting the body's immune system." In addition to dental treatment, he is actively engaged in preventive medicine to build a "disease-free body" by providing whole body care tailored to each patient's constitution.

There are clinics in Kumagaya City, Saitama Prefecture and Minami-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo. In Minami-Aoyama, a clinic with a gym, acupuncture and moxibustion, and a cafe in a quiet, modern Japanese-style building was opened. He utilizes hydrogen proactively. Many people visit the clinic where you can simultaneously treat your teeth and entire body while enjoying the Japanese-style garden.

Dr. Nogami, who is also an active athlete in triathlons, etc., can be said to be ahead of the era of "century life". Dr. Nogami has introduced and used MT-A100 Gold.

Profile of Dr. Nogami

  • 1999 Graduated from Tokyo Dental University
  • 1999 Entered the Department of Oral Surgery, Tokyo Dental University Suidobashi Hospital
  • 1999 Director, Medical Corporation Eikoh-kai Nogami Dental Clinic
  • 2004 Director and Duputy Director, Medical Corporation Kyoritsu Dentist Clinique DuBois (Imperial Hotel)
  • 2005 Graduated from New York University Aesthetic and Implant Course
  • 2007 Completed the University of Pennsylvania Periodontal Disease Study Club
  • 2014 Completed Doctoral Course at Nihon University, Ph.D.
  • 2015 Representative Director, Medical Corporation Eikoh-kai Nogami Dental Clinic
  • 2017 Medical corporation Eikoh-kai 28CliniC Nogami Dental Clinic relocated and opened
  • 2018 Acquisition of a certified infusion therapy study group doctor
  • 2019 28CliniC Minami Aoyama opened
28 CliniC Home Page

Product Details

零售商 Japan
  • Set Includes:
  • MT-A100 Main Body / Nasal cannula×1 / AC adapter×1[AC100-240V, 50-60Hz] 60W/a bottle of purified water

  • Weight:
  • Body:1.8kg(63.5oz/3.96lb)

  • Size:
  • Body:W145×D145×H220(㎜)

    Desktop type

  • Hydrogen gas generation:
  • 6L/h

  • Warranty:
  • 1 year from the day you purchase

  • This product is not a medical device.
  • Purified water is needed. One is included in the service. After using it, please purchase it at a pharmacy near you.

・All the products handling in ALEXCIOUS are the genuine products from the original makers.
・The colors in the product photos may differ slightly from the actual product.
・The design, specifications, appearance, and price of products are subject to change without notice.

Customer Reviews

  • 体が楽になりました。

    By 小林
    Age: 60s
    体が疲れやすく、糖尿病予備軍と判断されたので使用を始めました。体は楽になり、目覚めがよくなるだけでなく、検査の結果、正常値になりました。 I started using it because my body got easily tired and I was diagnosed by a medical examination that I might have diabetes. After using it, not only did my body feel better and I woke up better, but as a result of the re-examination, my blood sugar level was normal.
  • 薬の副作用で起こる発疹が軽減

    By S.F
    Age: 50s
    Country: Japan
    右肺がんステージ4です。1か月ほど使用していますが、痛みと、薬の副作用で起こる発疹が軽減されました。 Right lung cancer stage 4. After using it for about a month, the pain and the rash caused by the side effects of the drug have been reduced.
  • 強い副作用の心配がなくなりました。

    By T.M
    Age: 40s
    Country: Japan
    1日に2時間ぐらい使用しています。抗ガン剤治療中で、副作用が強く、白血球がさがりすぎたので、免疫力をあげるために使用していました。転移し、手術もできない状態でしたが、副作用は軽減され、抗ガン剤も中止していますが、一年間の吸引で、ガン細胞がすべて活動停止しています。水素吸入のおかげで毎日体調がよく、今は、抗ガン剤もしなくてもよいとの結果がでて本当にうれしいです。 I use it for about 2 hours a day. I am using it to boost my immunity because my side effects are strong and my white blood cells are too low during anti-cancer drug treatment. I was unable to undergo surgery, but the side effects were alleviated. I stopped using anticancer drugs, but after a year of inhalation, all the cancer cells were inactive. Thanks to hydrogen inhalation, I feel better every day. Now, I am very happy to hear from my doctor that I don't even have to take anti-cancer drugs.
  • アトピーと不眠

    By N.F
    Age: 30s
    Country: Japan
    アトピーと不眠になやんでいましたが、アトピーは痒さ、乾燥、色素沈着が改善され、精神的にも楽になりました。また、夜も一度も起きることなく、よく眠れるようになりました。早い段階で効果を実感することができました。 I had atopic dermatitis and sleepless. Itching, dryness, and pigmentation have been reduced, and I feel better mentally. Also, I can sleep well at night without ever waking up. I was able to realize the effect at an early stage.
  • 血圧が正常値に

    By Ken
    Age: 60s
    Country: Japan
    時々あるめまいと血圧がたかかったのですが、血圧が正常値になり、夜もぐっすり眠れるようになりました。 I had dizziness and high blood pressure, but my blood pressure became normal and I could sleep well at night.
  • アトピーが改善し便秘が解消

    By O2
    Age: 60s
    Country: Japan
    もともとアトピーのため、抗酸化の薬を日常的に服用している。吸入した翌日、かゆみが軽減し、その後3日程度で便秘も解消。その後もかゆみは抑えられており、夜もよく寝れるようになった。 (I'm originally atopic, so I take antioxidants on a daily basis. On the next day after I started to inhale the hydrogen, my itching was reduced and also my constipation was relieved in about three days. After that, itching was suppressed and I am able to sleep well at night. - O2, over 60s, Japan)
  • 重症だった鼻炎が、、、

    By けいこ
    Age: 30s
    水素を吸い始めてから1ヵ月位たった頃、重症の鼻炎で悩まされてきた私は、気が付くと鼻で自由に呼吸していました。これは偶然だろうと思いましたが、その「偶然」がずっと続いています。水素を吸うこと以外、他には何も特別なことはしていません。この機械のお陰で鼻炎とさようなら出来ました。本当に感動しています!周りの友達にも自信を持っておススメしたいと思っています。 (I had been suffering from severe rhinitis for a long time, but about a month after I started taking hydrogen, I noticed that I was breathing freely through my nose. This must be a coincidence, I thought, but that "coincidence" has been going on since then. I don't do anything else special, other than taking hydrogen. Thanks to this machine, I was able to say goodbye to rhinitis. I'm really impressed! I would confidently recommend it to my friends around me. - Keiko, 30s, Japan)
  • 水素吸入を続けます

    By M.A.
    Age: 60s
    私は3年ほど前に指定難病5の進行性核上性麻痺と診断され、それ以来水素吸入を行っています。お陰様で現在では進行も収まりました。当初は脳に認知症の兆候があるとも言われたのですが今ではすっかり無くなって認知症の心配はないそうです。これからも自分の為、家族の為に水素吸入を続けていきたいと思います。 (I was diagnosed with progressive supranuclear palsy, a designated intractable disease 5, about 3 years ago, and I have been taking hydrogen inhalation ever since. Thanks to your help, progress is now under control. Initially, I was told that there were signs of dementia in my brain, but now there are no signs of dementia and there is no fear of dementia. I would like to continue using hydrogen inhalation for myself and my family in the future. - M.A., over 60s, Japan)
  • 命の恩人

    By まつこ
    Age: 60s
    Country: Japan
    大病を患って長期入院しており食欲もありませんでしたが、水素を吸い始めてから体調が少しずつ改善しはじめ2週間後くらいから食欲も出て来て、今では普通に食事を摂れるようになりました。命の恩人と感謝しております。 (I had been hospitalized for a long time with a serious illness and had no appetite, but after starting to suck hydrogen, my physical condition gradually improved and my appetite came out about 2 weeks later, so now I can eat normally.  Thank you for this lifesaver. - Matsuko, over 60s, Japan)
  • 人間ドック結果良好

    By K
    Age: 60s
    Country: Japan
    1年ほど水素吸引を続けているが、人間ドックの結果も良好。血管年齢も若返り30代前半と言われた。吸い続けていると気力も漲ってくる気がする。(I have been drawing hydrogen for about a year and the results of the medical checkup are good. The doctor said my blood vessel age was rejuvenated like in the early 30s. I feel that my energy is rising as I continue. - K, over 60s, Japan)
Show all 10 customer reviews

MT-A100 Hydrogen Generator


¥ 644,600 - ¥ 699,600
转换为其他货币 USD 4,582.68


¥ 8,000
(转换为其他货币 USD 56.87)
Gift wrapping available

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